Mar 29 2010

Yikes. Back from the dead.

Published by at 6:38 pm under Uncategorized

Hey. My computer died. So now I use this blog thing. 
Did you miss me?

Here is a mix. 
Lots more coming, hopefully.

2 responses so far

2 Responses to “Yikes. Back from the dead.”

  1. Arch Stantonon 30 Mar 2010 at 7:25 pm

    Do I get a “First Comment” hat for posting the first comment your website? Also, nice mix you have there, son.

  2. Katieon 01 Apr 2010 at 4:35 pm

    I, for one, am excited. Have you listened to my latest mix? “Latest” as in, one month old. Good tidings to you, Maria and Harper.